Thursday, July 12, 2007

Words of Encouragement

"The pen is mightier than the sword." (Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Richelieu) Words are powerful. I believe an honest look at history reveals this. Wars and revolutions are begun before a weapon is ever brought to play. Words, written or spoken, have the power to provoke wars and inspire revolutions. Words have the power to change history, to change lives. They can cut someone to the quick, dashing all hope, or they can empower dreams and renew hope.

During lunch with some friends one day, I was asked, "Can you pass the ketchup?" I teasingly replied, "I can do anything." One good friend then commented that she thought I was the one person she knew who that was probably true of. The comment was made in passing, but her words have stayed with me. She reminded me that God has given me the gift of perserverance. I might not enjoy everything I could do, but God has given me the strength, ability and intelligence to pull off pretty much anything I could desire to try. That thought leaves me with a huge feeling of responsibility that I often try not to live under. The point is, her words made an impact.

The most powerful words are those of Jesus. They give life. During Jesus' ministry there came a point when many of His followers decided they couldn't hack it and they left Him. He asked His best friends if they, too, were going to leave him. "Simon Peter answered Him, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.'" John 6:68 (NASB) Jesus sent me as His follower on a mission with the words of eternal life.

My big question, what impact do my words make? I find that people encourage me all the time. I hear people encouraging others around me quite frequently. I too often say things I shouldn't, but God has reminded me frequently of late that I don't say what I should often enough. I have opportunity to influence at least one person with the words of Jesus every week. I think lots of positive things about the people I am privileged to work and serve with, but I rarely voice them. Maybe I think they don't need it. Maybe I am afraid of sounding fake - I'm not an effusive person by nature.

Words have power and I am going to perservere until I use that power well. I am determined to become an effective encourager - to those who are along for the journey of faith and for those who have yet to leave the darkness and join the fight to overcome it.


Jo said...

I am so glad to see you posting. I am in the same boat as you. I find myself not sharing the words that I need too. By the way, thanks for the comment on my blog. Your words were powerful and mean a lot to me.

Michael Goldsmith said...

Thanks for "encouraging" me with this post! Keep up the incredible writing!

Anonymous said...

I love your heart and I love to hear what you have to say. You impact my life more than you will ever know.